Signing in after registering (web browser):
Once you’ve registered for Exo Works, signing in is the same, except you won’t receive the policy popup. This article explains how to sign in after you have registered for the first time.
- In the box, type the login ID you use at your facility.
- In the Password box, type the password you use at your facility.
- Click Sign In.
- Optionally, if you are assigned to more than one specialty, select the specialty from the pop-up window to perform and view exams for that specialty.
- To return to the previous screen and sign in as a different user, click different user.
Signing in after registering (mobile app):
After the first time you registered and signed into Exo Works, signing in is the same, except you won’t have to enter the org code. This article explains how to sign in to Exo Works after registering the first time.
- In the box, type the login ID you use at your facility.
- In the Password box, type the password you use at your facility.
- Tap Sign In. Exo Works opens, displaying your Inbox.
- Optionally, if you are assigned to more than one specialty, select the specialty from the pop-up window to perform and view exams for that specialty.